Unfortunately, statistics also show that the majority of resolutions don’t stick…people lose focus, have unrealistic expectations, or life simply “gets in the way.” Even those who are faithful to a diet and exercise program may get discouraged when their bikini body doesn’t materialize as planned.
When Diet & Exercise Aren’t Enough
While diet and exercise are the cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle, they can’t fix every flaw as well as we would like. For example, while exercise can firm the muscle behind cellulite, it can’t remove it. And you can’t “spot reduce” stubborn areas like love handles and saddlebags. Or, do you covet a “bubble butt”? Unfortunately, while you can lunge your way to a tighter tush, you can’t change the basic shape you were born with.
But…an experienced, board-certified cosmetic surgeon can help.
Unwanted Fat
Even lean and healthy people can store pockets of fat around their waist, stomach or inner thighs. Exercise can improve the look of these areas, but won’t eliminate them. Liposuction (or Smartlipo) is an excellent way to address these stubborn areas. During liposuction, your cosmetic surgeon will remove fatty tissue to create a smoother, leaner appearance.
Mommy Tummy
Many women feel self-conscious about their tummy area, post-baby. A tummy-tuck procedure allows the cosmetic surgeon to remove excess fat and skin, tightening the abdominal muscles if necessary. Most times the incision can be made at a location that will ride beneath the bathing suit line so no one at the pool will ever know.
Cellulite is one of the most discouraging body issues for anyone who wants to look good in a bikini. This dimply fat is unsightly and impossible to remove with diet and exercise alone. Always on the forefront of technology, Southern Surgical Arts offers two new ways to help you see a long-lasting improvement in the appearance of cellulite.
Breast Enhancement
Breast augmentation is a popular procedure for those who desire fuller, more youthful breasts. Your cosmetic surgeon will work with you to achieve the most attractive results, offering you a choice of fillers (saline or silicone) and sizes.
Booty Makeover
If you’re unsatisfied with the size and shape of your bottom, a Brazilian Butt Lift may be worth investigating. During this procedure, Dr. Nease or Dr. Deal will remove unwanted fat from another area of your body via liposuction and transfer it to your buttocks, creating a more rounded, youthful and lifted appearance.
As with all cosmetic procedures, your results are greatly influenced by the skill of your surgeon. That is why choosing a board-certified, award-winning surgeon like the ones at Southern Surgical Arts is so important. Our physicians will work closely with you to determine the best procedures to achieve your desires.
Get a head start on your beautiful new bikini body—call us at 423-266-3331 to schedule a complimentary consultation!
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*Photo above is Rabecca, a mom and an actual patient of Southern Surgical Arts.