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Non-surgical Treatments for Hollow Eyes

Words like Belotero, CO2 and “fat transfer” may not be in your everyday vocabulary, but you’ve probably heard about one problem that they are each excellent at addressing: hollow eyes.

Hollow eyes result when fat loss due to aging, genetics, or even extreme weight loss causes the area around the eyes to look bony, sunken and “hollowed out.” This can make dark shadows and wrinkles look more prominent, causing you to appear fatigued and older than you really are.

Because eyes are so important to first impressions, many are distressed when they start to see these changes. However, there are several non-surgical alternatives to help you rejuvenate the eye area, creating a more rested, youthful appearance.

Belotero can be an excellent solution to adding volume back to the delicate area around the eyes. A hyaluronic acid, Belotero provides subtle, natural-looking results with minimal swelling, no downtime and often immediate results. Because it is a thin, light product, Belotero can be used closer to the surface than other products without causing discoloration. Best of all, your Belotero treatment can last from 6-12 months.

CO2 laser resurfacing is another excellent, non-surgical way to achieve immediate results in creating a more youthful looking eye area. CO2 therapy improves skin tone and texture, and tightens the skin around the eyes to diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

The fractional CO2 laser is considered the “gold standard” of resurfacing lasers, with a typical recovery time of a week to ten days, during which the skin will be reddened and slightly swollen. Patients can opt to be lightly sedated during the procedure for a more comfortable experience.

Finally, fat transfer is an excellent, natural approach to improving hollow eyes. During a fat transfer, Dr. Deal or Dr. Nease will harvest your body’s own fat from other areas via an incision so tiny it does not even require a suture. After the fat has been filtered for impurities, it will be injected into targeted areas around your eyes. Because the fat comes from your own body, this is a very safe, well-tolerated procedure and an excellent way to improve the contours of your eyes. Additionally, fat transfer combined with CO2 laser resurfacing is a highly effective method for rejuvenating the lower eyelid and surrounding area.

While more expensive than fillers, fat transfer is actually a more affordable option when you consider that the results can last for years.

If you’re “eyeing” any of these procedures to help you look more youthful and rested, please give us a call at 423-266-3331! Both Dr. Nease and Dr. Deal are award-winning, board-certified surgeons who have performed more than 10,000 cosmetic surgery procedures in the last seven years. Their commitment to safe, quality, and cutting-edge care is one of the reasons that Southern Surgical Arts is consistently recognized as Best of the Best.