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What to Consider Before a Breast Augmentation Surgery

If you’re interested in having breast implants, there are significant factors to consider when making your decision. Here are some key questions to ask yourself before going under the knife:

What are your expectations of the results?
“Attractive breast size and shape are truly tailored to the individual patient based on their unique needs,” says Dr. Chad Deal. Be sure to thoroughly discuss your specific breast enhancement goals and expected results with your surgeon.

Why are you having surgery?
It is important to know why you desire implants and carefully consider the reasons you’re making this decision before proceeding with surgery.

Are you aware of possible complications that may develop?
While your surgery may go smoothly, problems could occur following your procedure or even in the future. Although unlikely outcomes, it is important to factor issues such as implant leakage and hardness in the breasts in your decision-making process.

Are you willing to replace your implants in the future if necessary?
Breast implants are unlikely to last a lifetime and you may need replacement surgery at some point. “Some breast implants last the duration of a women’s lifetime, but they generally last 10 – 15 years and are often under warrantee for just 10 years,” according to triple board-certified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Carey Nease.

Can you afford it?
The price of breast augmentation surgery starts at $4,699 for saline and $5,299 for silicone but may be as much as $8,500 for a breast lift in addition to an augmentation. We do offer our patients a variety of financing options, if needed.

Additional factors to consider:

Be sure to ask your friends and family for recommendations.

Closely view our Before and After gallery to determine which surgeon’s results align with your desired aesthetic goals.

Conduct further research and ask in depth questions to be sure you’re comfortable with your chosen cosmetic surgeon.

Be clear about the type of implant you want, whether silicone or saline, and thoroughly understand the pros and cons of each.

Consider post-surgery recovery time and have a support team in place to assist you in your healing.

Plan for regular check-ups after surgery, including the next day, as well as 7-days, 6-weeks, and 6-months following your procedure.